英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:16:38
  • 网络解释

1. 灯杆:MSN:jingang.wang@hotmail.com, 铸铁井盖(manhole cover), 树篦子(grating), 灯杆(lamp post)楼主啊!看了那么多,怎么都没有求够化工原料的客户啊,我是生产化工原料的,如氧化铁颜料(IRON OXDIE PIGMENGT)等等一些,希望你能够提供一些啊,

2. 灯柱:标识 signage | 灯柱 lamp post | 假山 manmade rock

3. lamp post的近义词

3. [路]灯杆:lamp plug 电灯插头 | lamp post [路]灯杆 | lamp receiver 电子管收音机,电子管接收机

4. 路灯柱:1. beard: 胡须 | 2. lamp-post: 路灯柱 | 3. empire: 帝国

The paintwork was damaged when my car hit the street lamp post.("我的汽车撞到街上的路灯柱子上,汽车外面的油漆被弄坏了。"。)
I wish I had a spider car that can move from this lamp post to the others, especially in the traffic jam situation in Vietnam.(我希望我有一个蜘蛛车可从该灯柱移动到其他人,尤其是在越南堵车的情况。)
And if your dog, the best thing on the block is a lamp post, right?(如果是你的狗,最需要的是一个电线杆,对吧?)
Then with a roar that shook all Narnia from the western lamp-post to the shores of the eastern sea the great beast flung himself upon the White Witch.(随后一声怒吼,震撼了西起路灯柱东到海边的纳尼亚整个土地,这只巨兽亲自向白女巫扑去。)
Youngster on the street There are two idle youngsters staring at passers-by and vehicle. " Arise the new peak of attacking thieves and robbers"written on a lamp post.(《街边的少年》街边两个无所事事的少年,紧盯着来往的行人车辆。旁边的电线杆上写着:“掀起打击盗抢专项的新高潮!”)
He ran against a lamp post in the dark.(在黑暗中他撞上了一根电线杆。)
Didn't your wife have a crash? That's right. She drove it in to a lamp post.(不是你妻子撞坏的吗?说对了,她把车撞到路灯柱子上去了。)
He backed a new car into the lamp-post in the street.(他开着一辆新车向后倒,撞上了马路上的电杆。)
In about ten minutes she reached it and found it was a lamp-post.(大约走了十分钟,她就到了那里,原来这是一根灯柱。)
She's drove it into a lamp post.(她把车子撞到路灯柱上去了。)
lamp post是什么意思 lamp post在线翻译 lamp post什么意思 lamp post的意思 lamp post的翻译 lamp post的解释 lamp post的发音 lamp post的同义词